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Sunday School Picnic Sunday June 23rd 11AM at St. Paul’s


Sunday School Picnic Sunday June 23rd 11AM at St. Paul’s                                   (no worship at Westminster)

The pastoral charge comes together for a  joint service, lunch and some fun …

Please join us for worship, potluck lunch and time of fellowship and games!

Traditional picnic games for the whole family 🙂 Join in the fun!

Jakob and Rachel start off close!
Jakob and Rachel start off close!

Check out our Photo Gallery from last years picnic!!

St. Paul’s Annual Strawberry Dinner Thurs. June 20th



St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Glammis                                                                                                                                                               invites you, your neighbours and friends to our

Annual Strawberry Dinner with Ham, Beef and a variety delicious salads!

Thursday June 20th – dinner will be served from 4:45 – 7 p.m.

Adults $14.00 children $7.00  at the door.

Holy week Readings

Holy week Readings:                                                                                                                  Crown and Bible Religious Stock Image            

You are invited to set aside a time of devotion and

prayer during Holy week this year please

Monday – Justice & Generosity Isaiah 42:1-9, Hebrews 9:11-15, John 12:1-11

Tuesday –  Light & Sight  Isaiah 49:1-7, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, John 12:20-36

Wednesday – Shame  Isaiah 50:4-9, Hebrews 12:1-3, John 13:21-30

Thursday Forgiveness Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 10:16-25, Luke 22:7-20

Friday – Obedience Isaiah 52:13- 53:12, Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9, John 19:17-30

SaturdayDeliverance Job 14:1-14, 1 Peter 4:1-8, John 19:38-42

Minister’s message from Spring Heavenly News

Minister’s message

(from Spring Heavenly News – Pastoral charge’s quarterly newsletter)

Friends, the season of Lent is often marked by a journey: scripturally we travel from the mountaintop of transfiguration into the tricky terrain of Lent leading to Holy Week and Easter. The journey toward the cross calls us to reflect, remember, repent, and then reclaim our identity as children of God.  As we walk together through the six weeks of Lent, consider a new spiritual discipline through which you may draw closer to God.  For the Lenten journey  from the ashes of  death to resurrected life begins on the first day of Lent, Ash  Wednesday, which signifies a time to turn around, to change directions, and to repent. Lent is not a matter of being good rather we are invited to observe a good Lent, a 40 day journey of “prayer, fasting and almsgiving” that leads ultimately to the destination of EASTER!


Lent calls us to discipleship and personal reflection.  I once heard of a pastor who called the season of Lent, “a spring training for Christians”, using the metaphor of baseball spring training can be helpful for some but I’d rather use the theme of journey with its challenges and goals. Lent really is a journey to Easter, like Advent is a journey to Christmas. The Lenten journey is a turning away from the mirror of seeing ourselves only and moving toward others and the world as “ambassadors for Christ,” through whom God is making God’s appeal.  It is my hope you are able to take away from each worship a nugget or two that nourishes your faith and apply it to your journey of faith throughout this season of Lent.  For your interest I have listed below the scripture for the six weeks of Lent, as well you’ll find in the pages of Heavenly News – Holy Week readings to help you develop a time of devotions as we approach Easter Sunday and thoughts and reflections to challenge your hearts.


Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me Your paths;

guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior,

and my hope is in You all day long.

(Ps 25:4-5)

Jesus’ Resurrection brings us new hope and new life through Him.
In preparation for this new beginning, let us serve, encourage and pray for one another.


Please know as you journey through this Lenten season you are in my prayers,

Rev. Shelly 🙂