News & Updates

Longest Night service

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

7:30pm Knox United Church

Paisley Ministerial joins together to support those who have a difficult time during the Christmas season. Recent or raw grief, lose of a job, difficulty in a relationship, or unexplained sadness can stop us from joining in on the festive spirit of the holiday season. A contemplative service to acknowledge the grief and sadness that some may be feeling during the holidays due to the loss of loved ones, or other difficult circumstances. Join us as we are reminded that Jesus is the light and hope of the world. All ages and denominations are welcome! Come sit with us awhile and feel the care of a community.

SKY!! everything is possible with God! Register NOW!

Don’t FORGET to register for SKY! this years Vacation Bible School presented by the Paisley Ministerial and co- directed by our minster Rev. Shelly Butterfield-Kocis.

When: Mon. July 9th – Fri. July 13th    8:30am – noon (early drop-off 8:15)

Where: Rotary Paisley Palace (at the Paisley Fair grounds)

Who: JK-grade 6 (grade 5 -12 are able to volunteer for leadership positions)

How much: $45 per child ($12 a day) for the week $110 per family (3 or more)


Please click on link below for more info or to register your child(ren) 🙂


Photo-op – St.Paul’s Jubilee Tea

Some of the St. Paul’s Glamis WMS ladies who served at the June 9, 2012 Queen’s 60th Jubilee Tea in Glamis were, from left, Eileen Alexander, Eileen Morris, Eleanor Thompson, Marianne Greer and Islay Eby. Coincidentally, they served 60 guests and the afternoon was a big success. All were outfitted in fancy headgear, including a good number of Red Hatters from around the area.