Dear Friends,
I want to begin with the “Moving Mountain Faith” presentation Sherry Henderson will make in our Zoom service this Sunday. As I mentioned before, whether we have accomplished something significant or small, all of the attempts we have made are “extraordinary” before the Lord. Whether dramatic or straightforward, any stories would also be an excellent testimony to the Lord if they contain God as the leading actor and His power as the primary source. I am sure we will all be delighted to listen to God’s Story of what He has done for Sherry and/or through her.
With this introduction of the Faith presentation, I want to invite you to the Feb. 13th Zoom service. We will continue to explore the seventh spiritual fruit called “Faithfulness” and learn how to become trustworthy servants of God. As usual, the service will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, and the Zoom link will open at 9:45 a.m. The announcement slides will be played before the service. A copy of the service info, including the sermon, is attached.
Update on Prayer Shawl Ministry: Last week, four dedicated shawls were delivered to the following recipients. Please pray for Bill Hoyle to continuously receive God’s healing power and Catherine Graham, Faye Nicholson, and Wilma Wray to have Christ’s ongoing comfort. Below is the link to the Prayer Shawls Dedication video Dan did on behalf of our church last Sunday. Those who missed joining that prayer gathering may want to participate in the blessing upon the prayer shawls while watching the video. Our appreciation goes to Donna Schley for this vital ministry’s coordination and continuous efforts. Also, our thanks go to the knitters for the loving hearts, uncountable time and countless stitches they put upon the shawls.
Upcoming Sunday Service Info:
February 13: & Knox Annual Meeting (right after the service)
February 27 (Tentative): Presentation on “Moving Mountain Faith” with Michael Nicholson
March 6: First Sunday of Lent & Communion
“Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:20, 23).