Service Link to April 30, 2023 & Congregational Meeting Information

Dear Friends,

I would like to start with some important reminders for this Sunday.

Firstly, during our regular worship service, we will celebrate the appointment and reaffirmation of elders. As mentioned before, Sharon Dawson has been appointed as an active elder by the St. Andrew’s Session and will be formally recognized for this eldership in the special service. The existing elders, including Sharon, will reaffirm their God-given duties and tasks, making their divine vows before the Lord and the newly amalgamated congregation known as St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls.

Secondly, as announced for three consecutive Sundays, we will have a congregational meeting following the service. As friends and members of St. Andrew’s, you are all invited to join this gathering. The elders, under the leadership of Mark Mitchell, Clerk of the St. Andrew’s Session, have prayerfully and thoughtfully prepared this critical discussion.

Thirdly, following both the service and the congregational assembly, we will have a cup of tea/coffee with refreshments in the basement. It will be the first formal fellowship at the church since Covid-19 occurred.

You and your loved ones are more than welcome to participate in this blessed hybrid celebration for our elders, share your thoughts and insights on the essential decisions in person or via Zoom, and have loving fellowship this Sunday. Your support and prayer for this congregational gathering would be greatly appreciated.

With these reminders, I invite you and your friends to our hybrid worship service on Sunday, April 30, 2023, at 10:00 am at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls. This Sunday, we will continue to explore the third session of “40 Days of Love” subtitled “Loving With Your Words.” As the word “hybrid” indicates, the service will also be broadcast live via Zoom. You can find the Zoom link below, which will open at 9:45 am with the announcement slides.

Upcoming Services during Caleb’s vacation:
May 7: Mark Mitchell
May 14: Rev. Sabrina Ingram
May 21: Dan Schley
May 28: Rev. Ron Wallace
June 4: Rev. Terry Ingram

Finally, I would like to share with you the key verse for this Sunday, taken from James 3:2: “We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.”

