Service Info for August 27, 2023

Dear Friends,

You and your loved ones are warmly invited to our hybrid worship service on Sunday, August 27, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. This Sunday, we will learn about the importance of Christ’s Healing Ministry. This divine gathering will take place at the sanctuary of St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls and via Zoom.

Note 1: This past Friday, the final meeting of the Leadership Team was held. As a church, we extend heartfelt appreciation to the members of the Leadership Team for their valuable input and insights during their service for the former joint charge of Knox Glenarm and St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls, as well as the newly amalgamated St. Andrew’s Church over the past three and a half years.

Note 2: The St. Andrew’s Women of the Church will meet in the basement on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. Tom Cheel, a guest speaker from the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre will do a presentation on fraud, email scams, gramma scams, etc. at the meeting. As the topic of Tom’s talk is essential for everyone in this digital age, please share this informative gathering with your friends and anyone who might be interested in that presentation. Everyone is welcome!

Note 3: The Mission Awareness Sunday Service Message by Lizz Hoyle has been posted on our church website and can be viewed by clicking on the following link:

Upcoming Events:

September 6 – St. Andrew’s Women of the Church

Sept. 10: First Anniversary Church Sunday Service with Guest Speaker Rev. Dr. John-Peter Smit and Special Music brought by Barbara Dunn-Prosser

September 13 to October 18 (6 Wednesdays): Fall Bible Study (Details about this gathering are attached.)

September 17: Guest Speaker David Easson (Please note that as the Interim Moderator, Caleb will be preaching at St. Andrew’s, Campbellford, on that Sunday.)

“Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well….” (James 5:13-16).



Hybrid Fall Wednesday Bible Study

Hybrid Fall Wednesday Bible Study
Topic: The Keys to a Blessed Life
Dates: Wednesdays, September 13 – October 18, 2023
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
Location: Church Basement at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls & Via Zoom

“What is the secret to accessing the abundant life God promises? In perhaps the greatest sermon of his ministry, Jesus gives us the keys to the Kingdom; a life of wholeness, happiness, and healing.

In this 6-session video study, Pastor Rick Warren examines the Beatitudes and explores the practical steps to lead you to peace and fulfillment in your life, your work, and your relationships” (Excerpt from Saddleback Resources).

Session 1: It Depends on Who You Depend On (September 13)
Session 2: How God Blesses Broken Hearts (September 20)
Session 3: The Strength of Gentleness (September 27)
Session 4: Your Ministry of Mercy (October 4)
Session 5: How to Reconcile a Relationship (October 11)
Session 6: Handling Opposition to Your Faith (October 18)

A hard copy of the study guide is available at the back of the sanctuary and can be purchased for $10 after the services on August 27th, September 3rd and the 10th.

Everyone is welcome to join us for fellowship, bible study and prayer time!

Please let Caleb know if you need more information.

Letter of Invitation to the 1st Church Anniversary Celebration at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls

Dear Friends,

As St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, we will be celebrating our First Anniversary on Sunday, September 10, 2023, at 10:00 am. Rev. Dr. John-Peter Smit will share the Word of God with us, and Barbara Dunn-Prosser will bring sacred music to this special service. Almost a year ago, Knox Glenarm and St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls amalgamated, and we will come together to praise the Triune Lord for His faithfulness, as a congregation united in Christ, in the City of Kawartha Lakes and even beyond, on that Sunday. You and your loved ones are cordially invited to this divine assembly, either in the sanctuary or via Zoom. A luncheon will also be provided in the church basement following the service. Please mark the date on your calendar and participate in this hybrid event.

Before, during, and after this godly gathering, as the minister of this harmonized congregation, I would like to ask us, as the newly established church born from the merger of these two former bodies of Christ, to pray to God about the following three topics.

First, let us ask God to help us remember what He has done for us, not only over the past year but also throughout the entire journey of these individual churches. St. Andrew’s would be celebrating its 160th anniversary this year and Knox Glenarm, its 158th, if both congregations were still serving the Lord individually. Remembering God’s presence, provision, and protection is a critical command in the Bible. Let us recall all of His blessings we have received in the past, are receiving in the present, and will inherit in the future. Let us be grateful to our Mighty and Merciful Lord for how God has been with us step by step, provided us with what we need, and protected us from challenging situations.

Second, let us ask God to help us rededicate our lives to God’s Mission. We have recently learned about the importance of passing on Christian heritage to the next generations. While reflecting on this subject, I also want us to remember those who have dedicated their lives to God and His church in the past. As I mentioned earlier, over the 158 or 160 years, members and friends who have gone before us from these former churches invested their time, effort, and energy to build both the visible and invisible temples of God. They worked diligently and faithfully to fulfill their God-given ministry for all the people in our communities. While being thankful to them for their spiritual legacies, let us, like them, renew our hearts toward God and make a fresh commitment to transfer our God-blessed legacy to future spiritual runners.

Thirdly, let us ask God to help us resonate with each other’s companionship in our faith adventure. One of the many things I am proud of in this church is our togetherness. Almost every Sunday, numerous volunteers serve the Lord in our hybrid services as scripture readers, prayer leaders, storytellers, musicians, and announcers alongside the preachers. This divine work does not just happen with individuals standing at the lectern but also with those working behind the scenes in various capacities. Let us be grateful to those who are contributing their God-given talents to St. Andrew’s at this present time and find joy in serving one another with Christ’s heart. Throughout the anniversary preparation, the service and fellowship, and afterward, let us cherish this wonderful spirit of unity and oneness so that anyone, regardless of their background, whether inside or outside the church, may feel free to welcome and develop a deeper and more loving relationship with the Lord. All are essential to this sacred assembly.

In addition to the three prayer topics, let us ask God to help us remember our Church’s Mission Statement so that we can continue “to communicate faith, hope and love by supporting and serving our congregation and the local community.”

Please refer to the additional information listed in the P.S. sections below for more details about St. Andrew’s inclusive statement and the brief biographies of the guest speaker and musician.

Once again, on behalf of the St. Andrew’s Session and the Leadership Team, we warmly invite you and your loved ones to join us in wholehearted worship of God during this joyous celebration.

Friends, your prayers concerning the above topics would be greatly appreciated. Your presence would make the first-year anniversary of the amalgamated church meaningful and memorable in the Lord.

Please feel free to share this invitation letter with those who might be interested in this event.

May God bless St. Andrew’s as it turns one year old, with many more bright years to come!

May God also bless all of you and your loved ones as we enjoy this beautiful summer!


Caleb & Session and Leadership Team of St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls

St. Andrew’s, Fenelon Falls:
St. Andrew’s YouTube channel:

P.S. 1 The Inclusive Statement – “St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Fenelon Falls is a member of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. At St. Andrew’s, we believe that we are all one in Christ, regardless of age, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability. We welcome everyone who seeks to love God and participate in an open and supportive congregation grounded in the teachings of Jesus Christ. The journey of Christian faith is ongoing, and we pray for God’s guidance as we listen to and learn from one another.” This statement, approved by the St. Andrew’s Session, was reaffirmed by the St. Andrew’s Congregation at the congregational meeting in the spring of 2023.

P.S. 2 – The Bios of Guest Speaker and Musician:
“The Rev. Dr. John-Peter Smit is the Regional Minister for Congregational Health for the
Synod of Central, Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda of the Presbyterian Church in
Canada. He has served the church as an ordained minister for over thirty five years. His
previous congregations include the Chatsworth and Dornoch Pastoral Charge, Chedoke
Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, Ontario and the First Presbyterian Church of Maitland,
Florida. They currently live in Prince Edward County. John-Peter is married to Tori, the Synod’s Regional Minister for Faith Formation. They have two grown children. When he is not engaged in ministry, he is busy playing with old cars.”

“Barbara holds an M.A. and B.Ed. from Queen’s University and an ARCT in voice and piano. She is a member of the RCM Council of Examiners and of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. She teaches voice in Stratford, Ontario, and is a professor emeritus of the Don Wright Faculty of Music at Western University where she taught for 15 years. In her performing career Barbara has appeared in Rhombus Media’s film of Mozart’s Don Giovanni, toured southern Ontario with her one-woman show, and been a featured soloist with symphony orchestras across North America. She appeared in several seasons with the Canadian Opera Company and the Stratford Festival, and in both the touring and Toronto companies of The Phantom of the Opera. Barbara grew up in Fenelon Falls and was a frequent soloist at church services and weddings in the community. For two years she was the organist and choir director at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.”

Service Info for August 20, 2023

Dear Friends,

You and your loved ones are warmly invited to our hybrid worship service on Sunday, August 20, 2023, at 10:00 am. This Sunday, the St. Andrew’s Women of the Church, under the leadership of Lizz Hoyle, will lead us in the Mission Awareness Sunday Worship Service. This divine gathering will take place at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls and will also be accessible via Zoom.

Upcoming Hybrid Events:
Sept. 10: First Anniversary Church Sunday Service with Guest Speaker, Rev. Dr. John-Peter Smit

September 13 to October 18 (6 Wednesdays): Fall Bible Study (Details about this gathering will be shared next week.)



Service info for August 13, 2023

Dear Friends,

You and your loved ones are warmly invited to our hybrid worship service on Sunday, August 13, 2023, at 10:00 am. This Sunday, we will explore the meanings of seeking first God’s Kingdom in our faith journey. This divine gathering will take place at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls and will also be accessible via Zoom.

Upcoming Hybrid Events:
August 20: Mission Awareness Sunday Service led by St. Andrew’s Women of the Church
Sept. 10: First Anniversary Church Sunday Service with Guest Speaker, Rev. Dr. John-Peter Smit (Please note that an invitation letter to this remarkable assembly will be sent to you in a separate email sometime next week.)

Let us pay attention to Christ’s instruction in our daily faith journey: ” But seek first is kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:33-34).



Service Info for August 6, 2023

Dear Friends,

I want to share two upcoming special services that we, as a church, have planned.

The first divine assembly, called Mission Awareness Sunday, will be led by St. Andrew’s Women of the Church, under the wonderful leadership of Lizz Hoyle. This service will take place on Sunday, August 20, 2023. It promises to be a meaningful gathering where we will pray about God’s mission within and outside the church, reaching all the people in our community and beyond.

The second worship service is a joyful occasion as we celebrate the First Anniversary of the Amalgamated Church between Knox Glenarm and St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls. We will hold this service on Sunday, September 10, 2023. More detailed information about this special anniversary gathering will be shared with you soon.

Please mark these dates on your calendars and keep these sacred services in your prayers.

Now, I extend a warm invitation to you and your loved ones to join us for our hybrid worship service on Sunday, August 6, 2023, at 10:00 am. The service will take place at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls and will also be accessible via Zoom. During this service, we will continue with the second half of the series “Passing the Spiritual Blessing of Faith to Future Generations.”

Let us take inspiration from the words of King David to Solomon: “So be strong, act like a man, and observe what the Lord your God requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws, and regulations, as written in the Law of Moses. Do this so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go” (1 Kings 2:2-3).



Service Info for July 30, 2023

Dear Friends,

We, as a church, invite you and your loved ones to join us for our hybrid worship service on Sunday, July 30, 2023, at 10:00 am at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls.

This Sunday, we will launch a sermon series “Passing the Spiritual Blessing of Faith to Future Generations.” Over the next three Sundays, we will explore the importance of transferring our spiritual legacy to our beloved descendants.

Upcoming Event:
St. Andrew’s Women of the Church: August 2, 2023, at 1:30 pm in the Basement of St. Andrew’s.
Note: More church events and news will be shared next Sunday.

“We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done” (Psalm 78:4).



Service Info for July 23, 2023

Dear Friends,

As a church, we invite you and your loved ones to join us for our hybrid worship service on Sunday, July 23, 2023, at 10:00 am at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls.

This Sunday, we will study the last section, “Second Coming of Christ,” from the sermon series “Life after Death.”

Note: Shopping Card order forms will be collected next Sunday, July 30th. Please place your order with Donna Schley by using an order form, by e-mail, or by telephone. Her contact information can be found on the announcement slide before the service. Thanks to everyone who uses the cards.

Upcoming Event:
St. Andrew’s Women of the Church: August 2, 2023, at 1:30 pm in the Basement of St. Andrew’s.

“Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come… So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” (Matthew 24:42-44).



Service Info for July 16, 2023

Dear Friends,

I want to begin with two announcements.

Firstly, our church ladies have recently decided on the name “St. Andrew’s Women of the Church” for their gatherings. Since this spring, they have been meeting on the first Wednesday of each month and have been enjoying their time together. The ladies in this new group would greatly appreciate your prayers as they embark on spiritual adventures together in the Lord. Everyone is more than welcome to participate in this gathering.

Secondly, Lizz Hoyle will be the new representative to the Fenelon Falls Association of Churches. As a church, we thank her for accepting this role on our behalf. We also express our gratitude to Donna Schley for diligently serving as our representative to the Association for the past couple of years.

With this note, our church invites you and your loved ones to join us for our hybrid worship service on Sunday, July 16, 2023, at 10:00 am at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls.

This Sunday, we will continue studying the second part titled “Heaven” of the new sermon series titled “Life after death.”

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday Hybrid Prayer Meeting: July 19, 2023, at 10 am at St. Andrew’s and via Zoom.
St. Andrew’s Women of the Church: August 2, 2023, at 1:30 pm in the Basement of St. Andrew’s.

“My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” (John 14:2).



Service Info for July 9, 2023

Dear Friends,

As a church, we invite you and your loved ones to join us for our hybrid worship service on Sunday, July 9, 2023, at 10:00 am at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls. This Sunday, we will launch a sermon series titled “Life after Death” and begin the first part titled “Hell.” The Zoom link is provided below, and the Zoom session will open at 9:45 am with the announcement slides. We eagerly anticipate worshipping the Lord our God with you.

Upcoming events this month:
July 12, 19, 26: Hybrid Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 10 am, taking place both at the church and via Zoom
July 10-14: Vacation Bible School (VBS) presented by The Association of Churches, running from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

“So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire’” (Luke 16:24).

