Service Info for Sept. 11, 2022

Dear Friends,

As usual, our hybrid worship will be assembled at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 11, 2022. In the Genesis series, we will explore a genuine offering God is pleased with through the account of Cain and Abel for the adult audience and study a true heart toward the Lord for the younger generation. We will watch the Closing Service video prepared by Arlene TenHove and Jim Black. Through this special presentation, we can again recall the 157 years of Mission and Ministry God has done through Knox Glenarm and remember God’s sacred act of Amalgamation with St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls.

This religious gathering will also be broadcasted via Zoom. The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, the announcement slides will be presented to the congregation at the sanctuary and on Zoom.

Hybrid Bible Study “40 Days of Community” by Rick Warren – Session One: “What Matters Most” – will be held at St. Andrew’s Basement & via Zoom on Wednesday, September 14, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. A copy of each study guide will soon be sent to those who have participated in previous bible studies. The material will also be available to anyone interested in this Bible study.

FYI: October 2, 2022 – Communion Sunday

Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother, Abel? “I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9).



Service Info for Sept. 4, 2022

Dear Friends,

On behalf of all of the members and friends of the newly amalgamated church, St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls, I want to begin with our heartfelt thanks to God for helping us to celebrate “157 years of Mission and Ministry” through Knox Glenarm last Sunday. The special assembly was fully blessed, meaningful, and memorable due to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the support and prayers of our presbytery and all of you. One more time, I want to share the last part of the revised message Faye, Barb and Caleb presented at the gathering: “When we as Christ followers remember each of God’s miraculous memories over the years and rededicate our hearts and minds to the Mighty God, the Lord our Shepherd will continuously help this newly formed church and each of us walk our journey of faith together in the coming months. God will continue opening the doors of His ministries and touching the hearts of the people we have prayed for… Each heart and hand toward God and His church will matter. Let us have a confident and courageous mind in God who began an incredible work in this joint church and will accomplish His vision for His church and keep moving forward into His divine adventure as a Heavenly team.”

The closing and amalgamation service was entirely recorded, and you can view it once you click on the below YouTube link or check this on our church websites.

Many photos, taken by Arlene Tenhove, of the celebration, can be seen once you press on Knox Glenarm’s online photo album webpage following:
Closing & Amalgamation Service at Knox Glenarm August 28 2022

With this note, I invite you to assemble for the September 4th hybrid worship gathering at 10:00 a.m. at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls. This Sunday, in the Genesis series, we will explore God’s blessing and curse and the ways of becoming a new Adam and Eve in Christ (Genesis 3:6-21 & Matthew 1:1-16-21) for the adult audience and study the Fall of Adam and Eve for the younger generation. As usual, this sacred gathering will also be broadcasted via Zoom. The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, the announcement slides will be presented to the congregation at the sanctuary and on Zoom.

FYI: Fall Wednesday Hybrid Bible Study (September 14 – October 19, 2022) at St. Andrew’s, Fenelon Falls & via Zoom from 10:00 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. – 40 Days of Community by Rick Warren. Please, once again, look at the attached file for more detailed info.

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel” (Genesis 3:15).




August 28th, 2022 – 2:30 p.m.

Procession – led by Reid Torrey, Piper
Welcome & Announcements – Bill Hoyle
The Apostle’s Creed – led by Lizz Hoyle
Hymn: #350 To God be the glory
Video Presentation: Precious Memories of Glenarm Church
Scripture Readings – Philippians 3:1-11 – Stan Wray
Philippians 3:12-4:1 – John Nicholson
Sermon – Moving Forward – Rev. Caleb Kim, Barbara Silver, Faye Nicholson
Invitation to Offering – To the H.O.P.E. Fund
Offertory Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer – Dave MacMillan
Prayers of Remembrance & Thanksgiving
Susan Wallace, Moderator of Presbytery of Lindsay-Peterobourgh
Rev. Ann Blane, Convenor Congregational Life Committee
Recognizing the symbols—pews, pulpit, baptismal font, communion table, organ and piano, cross
An Act of Amalgamation – Union of Knox Glenarm and St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls
Closing Hymn: Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons)
Benediction: Rev. Ann Blane and Rev. Caleb Kim
The Recessional with The Symbols and the Congregational Records and Assets led by Reid Torrey, Piper
Statement of Leaving – Susan Wallace, Moderator and Neil Ellis, Clerk of Presbytery (congregation will gather outside the church, the keys will be surrendered to the Clerk of Presbytery and the doors will be locked)

Service Info for August 28, 2022

Dear Friends,

I want to begin with a special reminder about the Hybrid Service of Celebration – “157 years of Mission and Ministry” – at Knox Glenarm. With the blessing and guidance of the Presbytery of Lindsay and Peterborough, the closing and amalgamation ceremony will be held at the Glenarm Church on Sunday, August 28, 2022, at 2:30 p.m. In this gathering, as Christ followers and His church, we will praise the Lord our Mighty and Merciful God, who has used us as a spiritual beacon in Glenarm and its surrounding areas over the years. We will not only look back on God’s previous ministries through Knox Glenarm but also look to the future of Knox Glenarm with its dear sister church St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls. Your presence at this assembly in person or via Zoom and your continued support and prayers for the newly formed body of Christ, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Fenelon Falls, in the coming months and years would be greatly appreciated! Children are welcome to join this service!

With this note for your consideration, I invite you to gather for the August 28th hybrid worship gathering at 10:00 a.m. at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls. This Sunday, in the Genesis series, we will explore the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:4-25) for the adult audience and study God’s creation (Genesis 1-2) for the younger generation. We will make more joyful sounds for the Lord at the hymn sing. As usual, this sacred assembly will also be broadcasted via Zoom. The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, the announcement slides will be presented to the congregation at the sanctuary and on Zoom. A Zoom fellowship will take place for those who want to join after the service.

FYI: Fall Wednesday Hybrid Bible Study (September 14 – October 19, 2022) at St. Andrew’s, Fenelon Falls & via Zoom from 10:00 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. – 40 Days of Community by Rick Warren. Please find the attached file for more detailed info.

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” (Genesis 2:15).



Fall Bible Study: 40 Days of Community – Better Together

Fall Bible Study: 40 Days of Community – Better Together
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 p.m.
Date: Wednesdays, September 14 – October 19, 2022
Location: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Basement (89 Colborne St., Fenelon Falls) & Via Zoom (Instructions are placed below)

Many of us may remember the bible study and sermon series, “40 Days of Purpose,” which we did some time ago. During that time, we answered the question, “What on earth am I here for?” In this new presentation, we will reply to a similar question, “What on earth are WE here for?” We will examine how God’s purposes relate to our church and the local community.

Below is the invitation from Rick Warren, Retired Minister of Saddleback Church. We hope this will give you a clear idea of what the coming spiritual adventure is all about.

“Our focus for the next 40 days will be on fulfilling God’s five purposes together. We’ll do this in two ways: first, by deepening the community of love within our church family, and second, by reaching out in love to the community around our church family. Both are essential for a healthy, balanced, purpose-driven life.

During the next six weeks, we will examine the five reasons we need each other to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives – We fellowship better together! We grow better together! We serve better together! We worship better together! We teach out better together!

It is no accident that you are part of this 40 Days of Community. Before you were born, God chose you to be a difference-maker and to make an impact for good with your life. Are you willing to take the next step in growing life of purpose and meaning? Then let us join for this 40-day spiritual journey – deepening the community of love within your church and reaching out in love to the community around your church.” (Excerpt from Saddleback Resources)

An electronic and/or printed copy of the summarized participant guide is available via email before each week’s study date. A hard copy of the guide can also be purchased for $12 in advance if you like. You need to order this material by asking Caleb no later than Monday, September 5. Please let him know if you need more info. You can reach him at 705 341 8827 or

Note: Instructions for the Zoom meetings

Simply click the link below and follow the instructions:

Or click the following link
and follow the steps below:
1. Join the meeting by entering my Meeting ID: 478 513 2509 in the “Meeting ID” box and clicking on the “Join” button.
2. Enter your meeting password: 123456
3. To show your video while attending the meeting, click “Join with Video.”
4. Ensure your microphone is on at the bottom left corner of your screen. As you enter the service, every participant will be automatically muted.

Suppose you do not have access to the internet/Wi-Fi and/or a computer/smartphone/tablet. In that case, you can still join the Zoom meeting via telephone by following the steps below:
1. Dial 1-408-638-0968 (Note: this would be a long-distance call) on the phone.
2. At the prompt, enter the Zoom meeting ID: 478 513 2509, press # (the number sign), and press # again. Once you hear about the password stuff, enter your meeting password 123456 followed by #.
3. During the Zoom fellowship, press * (the star key) and six on your telephone when you mute/unmute yourself.

Summary of Knox Closing Service – August 28, 2022 at 2:30 P.M.

August 28th, 2022 – 2:30 p.m.

Procession – led by Reid Torrey, Piper
Welcome & Announcements – Bill Hoyle
The Apostle’s Creed – led by Lizz Hoyle
Hymn: #350 To God be the glory
Video Presentation: Precious Memories of Glenarm Church
Scripture Readings – Philippians 3:1-11 – Stan Wray
Philippians 3:12-4:1 – John Nicholson
Sermon – Moving Forward – Rev. Caleb Kim, Barbara Silver, Faye Nicholson
Invitation to Offering – To the H.O.P.E. Fund
Offertory Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer – Dave MacMillan
Prayers of Remembrance & Thanksgiving
Susan Wallace, Moderator of Presbytery of Lindsay-Peterobourgh
Rev. Ann Blane, Convenor Congregational Life Committee
Recognizing the symbols—pews, pulpit, baptismal font, communion table, organ and piano, cross
An Act of Amalgamation – Union of Knox Glenarm and St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls
Closing Hymn: Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons)
Benediction: Rev. Ann Blane and Rev. Caleb Kim
The Recessional with The Symbols and the Congregational Records and Assets
led by Reid Torrey, Piper
Statement of Leaving – Susan Wallace, Moderator and Neil Ellis, Clerk of Presbytery
(congregation will gather outside the church, the keys will be surrendered to the
Clerk of Presbytery and the doors will be locked)

Congregational Letter – Invitation to the Hybrid Service of Celebration of “157 years of Mission and Ministry” at Knox, Glenarm

August 25, 2022


As you are aware, the amalgamation of Knox Presbyterian Church, Glenarm and St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Fenelon Falls will take place on September 1, 2022.

A closing and amalgamation service will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church Glenarm on August 28, 2022 at 2:30 p.m..

The service will be conducted by the Lindsay/Peterborough Presbytery and is largely symbolic. For example, the Moderator of Presbytery, Susan Wallace, and Rev. Ann Blane will be conducting prayers of remembrance and thanksgiving on several items and symbols in the church. There will be a formal act of amalgamation led by the Moderator in which both Glenarm and Fenelon Falls Clerks of Session and the amalgamation team will participate. After the benediction there will be a recessional with the symbols and congregational records being carried from the church. Once everyone is outside the Moderator of the Lindsay/Peterborough Presbytery will be given the key and she will officially lock the church signifying that the church has been closed.

The video presentation “Precious Memories of Knox Glenarm” will be shared during this celebration. Victoria County Historical Society produced this visual display in 2020. The other portion was made and presented at the 2015 Christmas Eve Service. In this presentation, we will enjoy listening to our friends talk about Knox Glenarm, their memories of Glenarm church’s exciting events, and their dedicated hearts. Rev. Caleb Kim, Faye Nicholson and Barb Silver will deliver a message titled “Moving Forward.” Through this sermon, we will learn what God has done over the 157 years for Knox Glenarm and which direction God wants us to press ahead in the future. Reid Torrey, a good friend of Knox Glenarm, will provide bagpipe music during the processional and recessional.

We anticipate this will be both a happy and sad time remembering all the family milestones that have been celebrated within the walls of Knox Glenarm. We hope this will be a time to reminisce with each other and reflect on God’s bountiful blessings granted to us over the years.

Please plan to attend and pass this invitation on to anyone who would like to join in this final service in Knox Glenarm.

This service will also be broadcasted via Zoom and the virtual assembly instructions are located below.

Much prayerful thought has gone into this amalgamation process and we would ask for your prayers as we move forward on this new path God is creating for us.

We continue to humbly ask for your prayers and support for the new amalgamated congregation.

Let us close with words taken from a letter to the members and adherents of the Presbyterian churches in Hastings and Warkworth on their decision to amalgamate, as those words echo the thoughts from our own team.
At this time, let us remember:
The church is not a building or a denomination. According to
The Bible the church is the body of Christ
The people are the church and where the people gather in His name
Greatness shall happen because He said
“For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20)


Rev. Kim and the Amalgamation Team

P.S. – Instructions for the Zoom service

Simply click the link below and follow the instructions:

Or click the following link
and follow the steps below:
1. Join the meeting by entering my Meeting ID: 478 513 2509 in the “Meeting ID” box and clicking on the “Join” button.
2. Enter your meeting password: 123456
3. To show your video while attending the meeting, click “Join with Video.”
4. Ensure your microphone is on at the bottom left corner of your screen. As you enter the service, every participant will be automatically muted.

Suppose you do not have access to the internet/Wi-Fi and/or a computer/smartphone/tablet. In that case, you can still join the Zoom meeting via telephone by following the steps below:
1. Dial 1-408-638-0968 (Note: this would be a long-distance call) on the phone.
2. At the prompt, enter the Zoom meeting ID: 478 513 2509, press # (the number sign), and press # again. Once you hear about the password stuff, enter your meeting password 123456 followed by #.
3. During the Zoom fellowship, press * (the star key) and six on your telephone when you mute/unmute yourself.

Service Info for August 21, 2022

Dear Friends,

Susan Wallace, Moderator of the Lindsay-Peterborough Presbytery, will lead us in worship this Sunday and share the Word of God with us as “the Young or Young at Heart.” With this info, I invite you to assemble for the August 21st hybrid worship service at 10:00 a.m. at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls. As usual, this sacred gathering will also be broadcasted via Zoom. The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, the announcement slides will be presented to the congregation at the sanctuary and on Zoom. A copy of the service info is attached.

Reminder 1: Following the worship service this Sunday, friends and members of St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls will be asked to attend a special congregational meeting in person or via zoom. The purpose of this gathering is “to provide an up-date regarding the amalgamation of Knox Glenarm and St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls.”

Reminder 2: Closing & Amalgamation Service at Knox, Glenarm, on Sunday, August 28, 2022, at 2:30 p.m. “Everyone is invited to this service in recognition of 157 years of mission and ministry.”

FYI 1: Caleb’s Study Leave (August 14 – August 27, 2022) & Pastoral Emergency Care during that time – Rev. Ann Blane, 705-738-6424 or

FYI 2: Fall Wednesday Bible Study (September 14 – October 19, 2022) – 40 Days of Community by Rick Warren



Service Info for August 14, 2022

Dear Friends,

Rev. Tom Cunningham, retired minister of St. Giles and Centreville Presbyterian churches, will lead us in worship this Sunday and share the Word of God with older and younger generations. His wife, Barb, will bring “envelopes of activities for the young folk to do during the service.” With this note, I invite you to assemble for the August 14th hybrid worship service at 10:00 a.m. at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls. As usual, this sacred gathering will also be broadcasted via Zoom. The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, the announcement slides will be presented to the congregation at the sanctuary and on Zoom. A copy of the service info is attached.

Reminder: Friends and members of St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls have been called to join a special congregational meeting held on Sunday, August 21, following the in-person worship service, at St. Andrew’s sanctuary and virtually via zoom. The purpose of this gathering is “to provide an up-date regarding the amalgamation of Knox Glenarm and St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls.”

FYI 1: Caleb’s Study Leave (August 14th – August 27th) & Pastoral Emergency Care during that time – Rev. Ann Blane, 705-738-6424 or
FYI 2: The recording of the baptism service for Olenna is posted on our church websites.

Upcoming Services/Meetings:
August 21: Susan Wallace, Moderator of the Presbytery of Lindsay-Peterborough & Special Congregational Meeting
August 28: Closing & Amalgamation Service at Knox, Glenarm at 2:30 p.m.
September 14 – October 19: Fall Wednesday Bible Study – 40 Days of Community by Rick Warren

