Our Staff

The Presbytery comprises 13 pastoral charges. We meet approximately every other month to discuss what’s going on, support one another and deal with any business that needs to be dealt with.

We don’t have staff per se, but here are the people whose responsibilities go beyond any single pastoral charge:

ModeratorRuth Pollock

Ruth Pollock
[email protected]

Donna McIlveen / ClerkClerk of Presbytery

Donna McIlveen
[email protected]

Ian MacMillan / TreasurerTreasurer of Presbytery

Rev. Ian MacMillan
[email protected]

Cheryl Gaver /AnimatorPresbytery Ministry Animator

Rev. Dr. Cheryl Gaver
[email protected]

Janet Jones / WMSWMS Representative

Ms. Janet Jones (Brockville Presbyterial)
[email protected]