2019 News

David Hooper at his inductionService of Induction for Rev. David Hooper – September 8 2019

The Rev. David Hooper was inducted into the Pastoral Charge of Prescott-Spencerville on September 8, 2019. This was the last official event for the Rev. Marianne Emig-Carr, who was Moderator of the Presbytery at the time. She presided over the induction, Rev. Dr. Cheryl Gaver delivered the message and Rev. Dr. Leo Hughes delivered the charge.

Following the service, a reception followed.

Unfortunately, the Presbytery photographer wasn’t able to attend so we don’t have photos of the event! (David’s picture comes from Adams’ induction).

David and Debra – welcome to the Presbytery!

Robert Adams at his inductionService of Induction for Rev. Robert Adams – November 17, 2019

On November 17th, Rev. Robert Adams was inducted into the pastoral charge of St. John’s, Cornwall. Rev. Bruce Kemp, Moderator of the Presbytery, presided, and Rev. David Hooper delivered the charge. St. John’s Youth Choir sang a special welcome.

Refreshments and a time for fellowship followed. Thanks to all who came – and to Robert and Colleen – welcome to the Presbytery!

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Ideas from ReImagine WorkshopRe-Imagine Your Church – November 19 2019

On November 19th, Rev. Dr. Cheryl Gaver led the Presbytery through a series of brainstorming exercises on re-imagining the church’s role and relevance in the 21st century.

The workshop gave those present the opportunity to remember the “good old days” by identifying what drew them to church and explore the world Jesus knew, by looking at some of the issues it faced and how Jesus transformed them.

This was Part 1 of the presentation. Part 2 will be offered at the January meeting, with participants exploring what drew people to Jesus and, later, to the early church. Along the way, people may discover new possibilities and new options for their own congregations as they think about who they are as a church, what they believe God is calling them to be and to do, how relevant they are in the 21st century, and how well they are fulfilling their mission.

Poster for Treasurer WorkshopTreasurer’s Workshop – December 7, 2019

A Treasurer’s Workshop was held December 7th at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Winchester, facilitated by Oliver Ng, the CFO and Treasurer of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

The workshop was well attended by Treasurers and others from both the Presbytery of Seaway-Glengarry and the Presbytery of Ottawa. It provided basic information about financial reporting, offerings, receipts, audits, and tax returns. Oliver Ng also talked about resources available to Treasurers, including the Treasurer’s Handbook. His handouts of the various forms that Treasurers need to complete were particularly useful.

Suggestions for follow-up workshops included ideas for more case studies and a focus on common errors Treasurers often make.

Thanks to St. Paul’s for hosting and looking after us so well.