PCC Schools

We have three theological colleges in Canada that graduate candidates for ordination in The Presbyterian Church in Canada:

  • St. Andrew’s Hall in Vancouver / Vancouver School of Theology
  • Knox College in Toronto / Toronto School of Theology
  • Presbyterian College in Montreal / Montreal School of Theology
St. Andrew's HallSt. Andrew’s Hall (Vancouver)

St. Andrew’s Hall is home to faculty and staff engaged in theological education who are committed to preparing generous, thoughtful and engaged Christian leaders for the world. St. Andrew’s Hall exercises its teaching charter through the Vancouver School of Theology. Several programs are offered every year for those who are seeking ordination to ministry, are enquirers, desire a deepening of faith, or in other ways are seeking a degree program in theology.

6040 Iona Drive
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 2E8

Knox CollegeKnox College (Toronto)

Knox College is a postgraduate theological college located in the heart of the University of Toronto. For 170 years, Knox has been a progressive leader in Reformed theological education in Canada, offering programs for laity and those preparing to serve the church in ministry. Knox is a founding partner in the Toronto School of Theology, one of North America’s largest ecumenical consortia.

59 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2E6

Presbyterian CollegePresbyterian College (Montreal)

Founded in 1865, The Presbyterian College is a centre of theological education and research. Students benefit from an ecumenical arrangement as part of the Montreal School of Theology, a consortium of three theological colleges: Diocesan College (Anglican), The Presbyterian College, and the United Theological College. Students with the requisite gifts, abilities, and call prepare for various forms of Christian ministry.

3495 University Street
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2A8