Online Studies & Activities

Most of our congregations, but not all, have returned to in-person Bible studies and activities.

Here is information about online activities:

Online Bible Studies (Zoom and Pre-Recorded)

Avonmore, Finch & Gravel Hill. Meets Wednesday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. for a weekly Bible study (on break though until the new year).  Here is the Zoom link:

Videos of the Bible studies are available on their YouTube channel. They also had a series on “Questions you always wanted to ask but never did” called “Puzzles ‘n Faith” which is also available on their YouTube channel.

The Questioning Pastor replaces “Puzzles ‘n Faith”, asking the same types of questions but a separate Facebook page has been created for it. Videos are found on the congregation’s YouTube channel and its new Facebook page.

Online Children Stories

Avonmore, Finch & Gravel Hill. Posts videos of their Children Stories on their YouTube channel and Facebook page.