Getting to Know …
A few years ago, the Presbytery did a mini-workshop on Re-imagining Your Church that identified elements and activities that were important for them.
One element that was highlighted was how many members wanted Presbytery meetings to be more than just business meetings. We wanted to get to know one another better. We wanted to get to know the congregations more easily. We wanted to use the time to learn something as a group.
Once Presbytery Council realized that, it developed a plan of action. Each Presbytery meeting, whether in person or via Zoom, begins with a brief worship service which is then followed by the “host congregation” sharing something about themselves. This can be an overview of their history, their ministries, their outreach into the community – what they decide.
Presbytery Council also set education time for every Presbytery meeting. Some of the people invited to speak to us have included an audiologist, a representative from the Canadian Bible Society, and a representative from Presbyterian College in Montreal talking about continuing education opportunities.