Women’s Missionary Society (WMS)

The Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) is an autonomous organization within The Presbyterian Church in Canada. To carry out its purpose (mission), local groups have been established in congregations from Quebec to British Columbia. The local group is the mainstay of the Society.

Mission Statement

The Women’s Missionary Society is a community of Christians whose purpose, in response to the love of God in Jesus Christ, is to encourage one another and all the people of the church to be involved in local and world mission through prayer, study, service and fellowship.

Our Structure

The administrative structure of the WMS parallels that of the Presbyterian Church in Canada: Presbyterial (Presbytery); Synodical (Synod); Council Executive and Council.

Our Work

Groups meet regularly to study, pray for, and serve the mission of the church. They are informed about current and relevant mission and justice projects through the use of church mission studies and other resources.

Groups transform their knowledge into action through prayer and service. They regularly respond to long-term and emergency need in congregations, communities, and the world. Their contributions to the national WMS office support mission grants, yearly mission projects, resources, and staff.

Service is very important to WMS members, who support a variety of initiatives including: refugees, local food banks and women’s shelters, “Send a kid to Gracefield Camp”, Christmas mitten trees, foster child, and other local activities.

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Brockville Presbyterial

According to the 2019 Annual Report, the Presbyterial has 3 groups, 40 active members and 4 associate members.

The 3 groups are Kemptville, Morewood, and Morrisburg. Some groups no longer exist (e.g., Brockville and Iroquois)for different reasons but members from those congregations are still involved in WMS activities and attend meetings and/or support WMS projects.

Visitors and new members are always welcome to attend WMS regular meetings:

    • Bayfield Manor, Kemptville
      Last Monday of each month, 1:00 p.m. Contact Judy for more information.
    • Morewood Presbyterian, Morewood
      2nd Thursday of each month, 1:30 p.m. Contact Colleen for more information.
    • Knox Presbyterian, Morrisburg
      3rd Wednesday of each month, 1:00 p.m. Contact Joan for more information.

The Presbyterial usually plans 3 activities a year: the Annual General Meeting; Spring Rally and Fall Rally. There is usually a theme and guest speakers are invited. In 2019, events included:

    • March AGM, with the theme “Bringing Darkness to Light in Mission”Pat Grainger talked about her mission trip to Malawi
    • Spring Rally, with the theme Sharing God’s Gift of LoveBruce Kemp, talked about the challenges of building a school in Central America.
    • Fall Rally, with the theme Sharing God’s Gift of HopeStephanie Chunoo, a Young Adult Intern (refugees), shared her experiences doing Mission in Hungary.

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