Grant Deadlines

For information about funds and grants go to: See also Jennifer Astop’s letter dated December 2, 2021 and available here.

Two key deadlines are coming up

February 1, 2022: Rural and Remote Ministry Grant
The deadline for the summer student stream is February 1, 2022.  The Rural and Remote Ministry Grant is separated into two streams. One addresses the need to encourage ministry students to consider rural and remote areas as exciting locations to exercise their ministry upon graduation. The other addresses the need to help congregations in rural and remote locations access consistent congregational leadership.

April 15, 2022: Program and Capital Grants
The deadline is April 15.  These programs and grants include:

    • The New and Renewed Ministry Fund
    • Avondbloem Experimental Fund
    • Chisholm Fund
    • McBain-Barker Small Community Capital Fund
    • Special Projects Fund

The Presbyterian Church in Canada offers funding to help in a variety of other areas including
children and youth ministry, worship, lay training, conferences, mission work, and more. Many of
these grants do not have specific deadlines, so applications are reviewed on a regular basis. For more information about the available grants, please go online at or contact Jennifer Astop directly at