Caleb’s Appreciation to the Session and the Congregation for the Time of His Intermission

Dear Friends,

My wife and I would like to begin by expressing our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your prayers during my sabbatical. We have truly been blessed with the opportunity to travel through several Southeast Asian countries and visit our homeland, Korea. This journey has been both a profound adventure in foreign lands and a cherished time with loved ones, especially my mother, who is doing well. Throughout this extended period, we have experienced the presence, provision, protection, and guidance of the Lord, our Shepherd, holding fast to the Word of God from Psalm 23:1-3. This has been one of the most meaningful and memorable experiences I have ever had as a servant of God. It has left my wife and me feeling relaxed, refreshed, and renewed-both physically and spiritually. I look forward to sharing reflections from this time of rest with you during the third Advent worship service, which will be held next Sunday.

I also want to express my deep appreciation to the ministers in our presbytery who shared the Word of God or provided emergency pastoral care, as well as to the lay preachers in our church who delivered their God-given messages out of love for the Lord. Furthermore, I offer my sincere thanks to all who have diligently prepared for and contributed to our hybrid worship services in various ways. All sermons, along with church news and service information from my time away, have been posted on our church website. Your dedication has been a true blessing to our congregation.



Church News and Service Information for December 8th, 2024 – Advent 2

The Christmas journey continues with the second Sunday of Advent-Peace.

We welcome back, Rev. Caleb Kim and his wife Soon Hwa from their ten week intermission. Trusting the Lord granted them peace, during that time of reflection.

Rev. Kim’s upcoming theme ‘The Genealogy of Jesus Christ – Matthew’s Christmas Stories, will be the message for this Sunday.

There will be a Fellowship Brunch after worship, which will provide the opportuntiy to hear about the Kim’s time away. We look forward to seeing some of you there.

Our morning service will begin at 10:00 a.m., both in-person and via Zoom, and will conclude around 11:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be active 15 minutes before the service, and announcement slides will be displayed for both the congregation in the sanctuary and those joining online.

Upcoming Church News and Services

St. Andrew’s Women of the Church will meet on December 4th at 12:30 p.m. for a potluck luncheon and social time.
All the women of the church are invited, whether you attend our meetings or not.

Fellowship Brunch following worship on Sunday December 8th. This will be Soon Hwa and Caleb’s first Sunday back.
Everyone is welcome

Christmas Community Carol Sing at Fenelon Falls United Church Sunday, December 8th 3:00 p.m. Representing St. Andrew’s will be Caleb Kim Jr. with a presentation of ‘The Holy City’.

Contact Information for Emergency Pastoral Care
Rev. Ian Marnoch, Minister of Knox Bobcaygeon
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 705-738-4086

Have a blessed week, St. Andrew’s Leadership

Church News and Service Information for November 24th, 2024

Hello Friends,

Sunday the 24th, we will focus on Presbyterians Sharing – a day to celebrate and learn about our shared mission and ministry in Canada and around the world. The Presbyterian Church in Canada includes 780 congregations, 102,000 members and adherents, 1,254 ministers, and 11,000 children and youth. Presbyterian congregations worship in many languages and come from many places and cultures. Presbyterians include people who are Indigenous to Turtle Island or have heritages from Taiwan, Korea, China, Ghana, Brazil, Gyana, Nigeria, Malawi, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Scotland, Ireland, India, to name only a few. We are followers of Jesus. We share our gifts and work together to make a difference in this world.

We faithfully continue Christ’s ministry, as together we build strong congregations, seek justice, serve vulnerable people, walk with Indigenous people and share God’s love worldwide.

On that day, we will remember and celebrate that this congregation is a part of a wider church family, The Presbyterian Church in Canada. God’s Spirit connects us, inspires us, and challenges us to continue Christ’s ministry in our country and across the globe. Thanks be to God!

Our morning service will begin at 10:00 a.m., both in-person and via Zoom, and will conclude around 11:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be active 15 minutes before the service, and announcement slides will be displayed for both the congregation in the sanctuary and those joining online.

Upcoming Church News and Services

This will be the last chance to obtain your Shopping Cards for 2024. Please keep in mind any Christmas Stocking Stuffer or Christmas card ideas for extra add ons. Donna will contact our regular purchasers.

St. Andrew’s Women of the Church will meet on December 4th at 12:30 p.m. for a potluck luncheon and social time.
All the women of the church are invited, whether you attend our meetings or not.

Fellowship Brunch following worship on Sunday December 8th. This will be Soon Hwa and Caleb’s first Sunday back.
Everyone is welcome

Christmas Community Carol Sing at Fenelon Falls United Church Sunday, December 8th 3:00 p.m.

Upcoming Pulpit Supply :
November 24: Presbyterian Sharing Service led by the Session
December 1: Communion & First Sunday in Advent – Rev. Bob Quick

Contact Information for Emergency Pastoral Care
Rev. Ian Marnoch, Minister of Knox Bobcaygeon
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 705-738-4086

Have a blessed week, St. Andrew’s Leadership

Church News and Service Information for November 17th, 2024

Dear Friends,

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is situated on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Mississauga/Anishinaabe First Nations People. As such, we take pride in our stewardship of this land.

You are invited to join our hybrid worship service at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls, either in person or via Zoom, on Sunday, November 17th, 2024.

This Sunday, we were slated to have another video Sermon Presentation by the ‘Together We Worship” team. However, we are delighted and excited again, to hear a message from our own, Lizz Hoyle. As congregation members, there is nothing more meaningful than a delivery from one of our friends. We look forward to hearing Lizz with her message topic, “Why Should We Pray?”

Our morning service will begin at 10:00 a.m., both in-person and via Zoom, and will conclude around 11:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be active 15 minutes before the service, and announcement slides will be displayed for both the congregation in the sanctuary and those joining online.

Upcoming Church News and Services

Samaritan’s Purse ‘Operation Christmas Child’ ShoeBox camapaign is underway. Fill a shoebox for a child and ensure a blessed Christmas for an unsuspecting youngster. There will be info on the Entrance Table, the cost for mailing is $12 and the boxes need to be returned to the church this Sunday, November 17th, 2024, for drop off in Peterborough.

Upcoming Pulpit Supply :
November 17: Lizz Hoyle
November 24: Presbyterian Sharing Service led by the Session
December 1: Communion & First Sunday in Advent – Rev. Bob Quick

Contact Information for Emergency Pastoral Care
Rev. Ian Marnoch, Minister of Knox Bobcaygeon
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 705-738-4086

Have a blessed week, St. Andrew’s Leadership

Church News and Service Information for November 10th, 2024

Dear Friends,

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is situated on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Mississauga/Anishinaabe First Nations People. As such, we take pride in our stewardship of this land.

You are invited to join our hybrid worship service at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls, either in person or via Zoom, on Sunday, November 10th, 2024.

We are looking forward to Mark Mitchell’s yearly Service of Remebrance. He has had the opportunity to travel to Europe with his late father and his son, and observe first hand, the history of the wars. As well, Mark was deployed to Afganistan a few years ago to help train and support the policing there. We are proud of him for this and thank Mark for his service.

Our morning service will begin at 10:00 a.m., both in-person and via Zoom, and will conclude around 11:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be active 15 minutes before the service, and announcement slides will be displayed for both the congregation in the sanctuary and those joining online.

Upcoming Church News and Services

Samaritan’s Purse ‘Operation Christmas Child’ ShoeBox camapaign is underway. Fill a shoebox for a child and ensure a blessed Christmas for an unsuspecting youngster. There will be info on the Entrance Table, the cost for mailing is $12 and the boxes need to be returned to the church on Sunday November 17th, 2024, for drop off in Peterborough.

Upcoming Pulpit Supply :
November 10: Remembrance Sunday – Mark Mitchell
November 17: Video Sermon from Together We Worship
November 24: Presbyterian Sharing Service led by the Session
December 1: Communion & First Sunday in Advent – Rev. Bob Quick

Contact Information for Emergency Pastoral Care
Rev. Ian Marnoch, Minister of Knox Bobcaygeon
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 705-738-4086

Have a blessed week, St. Andrew’s Leadership

Church News and Service Information for November 3rd, 2024

Dear Friends,

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is situated on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Mississauga/Anishinaabe First Nations People. As such, we take pride in our stewardship of this land.

You are invited to join our hybrid worship service at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls, either in person or via Zoom, on Sunday, November 3rd, 2024.

Sherry Henderson, a long time Member of St. Andrew’s will presenting a message on our All Saints Sunday. We are looking forward to this opportunity and very grateful to Sherry for supporting us this way in Caleb’s absence.

Our morning service will begin at 10:00 a.m., both in-person and via Zoom, and will conclude around 11:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be active 15 minutes before the service, and announcement slides will be displayed for both the congregation in the sanctuary and those joining online.

Upcoming Church News and Services

Eastern Standard Time begins this weekend! Turn your clocks back 1 hour Saturday night 🙂

Donations to the Local Salvation Army Food Bank: Donations will be collected this Sunday. However, contributions are graciously accepted at any time.

Samaritan’s Purse ‘Operation Christmas Child’ ShoeBox camapaign is underway. Fill a shoebox for a child and ensure a blessed Christmas for an unsuspecting youngster. There will be info on the Entrance Table, the cost for mailing is $12 and the boxes need to be returned to the church on Sunday November 17th, 2024, for drop off in Peterborough.

Upcoming Pulpit Supply :
November 3: Sherry Henderson
November 10: Remembrance Sunday – Mark Mitchell
November 17: Video Sermon from Together We Worship
November 24: Presbyterian Sharing Service led by the Session
December 1: Communion & First Sunday in Advent – Rev. Bob Quick

Contact Information for Emergency Pastoral Care
Rev. Ian Marnoch, Minister of Knox Bobcaygeon
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 705-738-4086

Have a blessed week, St. Andrew’s Leadership

Church News and Service Information for October 27th, 2024

Dear Friends,
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is situated on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Mississauga/Anishinaabe First Nations People. As such, we take pride in our stewardship of this land.

You are invited to join our hybrid worship service at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls, either in person or via Zoom, on Sunday, October 20th, 2024.

We are grateful to Shane Baker, who will be presenting a message for us this Sunday.
We are very fortunate at St. Andrew’s to have very supporting people, offering prayers, reading scripture and leading worship on a regular basis. Their contributions do not go unappreciated. Much thanks.

Our morning service will begin at 10:00 a.m., both in-person and via Zoom, and will conclude around 11:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be active 15 minutes before the service, and announcement slides will be displayed for both the congregation in the sanctuary and those joining online.

Upcoming Church News and Services

Shopping Card orders are to be submitted this Sunday.

Donations to the Local Salvation Army Food Bank: Donations will be collected formally on the first Sunday of each month. However, contributions are graciously accepted at any time. We are over Thanksgiving now, but there are many other days we need to help support.All donations are greatly appreciated.

Samaritan’s Purse ‘Operation Christmas Child’ ShoeBox camapaign is underway. Fill a shoebox for a child and ensure a blessed Christmas for an unsuspecting youngster. There will be info on the Entrance Table, the cost for mailing is $12 and the boxes need to be returned to the church on Sunday November 17th, 2024, for drop off in Peterborough.

Upcoming Pulpit Supply :
October 27: Shane Baker
November 3: Sherry Henderson
November 10: Remembrance Sunday – Mark Mitchell
November 17: Video Sermon from Together We Worship
November 24: Presbyterian Sharing Service led by the Session
December 1: Communion & First Sunday in Advent – Rev. Bob Quick

Contact Information for Emergency Pastoral Care
Rev. Ian Marnoch, Minister of Knox Bobcaygeon
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 705-738-4086

Have a blessed week, St. Andrew’s Leadership

Church News and Service Information for October 20th, 2024

Dear Friends,
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is situated on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Mississauga/Anishinaabe First Nations People. As such, we take pride in our stewardship of this land.

You are invited to join our hybrid worship service at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls, either in person or via Zoom, on Sunday, October 20th, 2024.

We will be acknowledging ‘Mission Awareness’ at our Sunday morning worship service. This agenda is traditionally presented by The Women of the Church, under the leadership of Lizz Hoyle. Each year we look forward to learning the new progresses The Presbyterian Church in Canada achieves. We thank ALL the people who help facilitate this in advance.

St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls continues to uphold and keep in memory, all those who are facing illness and not able to be with us, and those that may be travelling. We think of our ‘shutin’ folk constantly and pass on all well wishes. It is also important to acknowledge those of our friends who may have property or connections in the State of Florida and area. The recent hurricanes and servere weather events have made us concern for health and safety.
Prayers for you all.

Our morning service will begin at 10:00 a.m., both in-person and via Zoom, and will conclude around 11:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be active 15 minutes before the service, and announcement slides will be displayed for both the congregation in the sanctuary and those joining online.

Upcoming Church News and Services

Donations to the Local Salvation Army Food Bank: Donations will be collected formally on the first Sunday of each month. However, contributions are graciously accepted at any time. We are over Thanksgiving now, but there are many other days we need to help support.All donations are greatly appreciated.

Samaritan’s Purse ‘Operation Christmas Child’ ShoeBox camapaign is underway. Fill a shoebox for a child and ensure a blessed Christmas for an unsuspecting youngster. There will be info on the Entrance Table, the cost for mailing is $12 and the boxes need to be returned to the church on Sunday November 17th, 2024, for drop off in Peterborough.

Upcoming Pulpit Supply :
October 20: Mission Awareness Service led by St. Andrew’s Women of the Church
October 27: Shane Baker
November 3: Sherry Henderson
November 10: Remembrance Sunday – Mark Mitchell
November 17: Video Sermon from Together We Worship
November 24: Presbyterian Sharing Service led by the Session
December 1: Communion & First Sunday in Advent – Rev. Bob Quick

Contact Information for Emergency Pastoral Care
Rev. Ian Marnoch, Minister of Knox Bobcaygeon
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 705-738-4086

Blessings from, St. Andrew’s Leadership

Church News and Service Information for October 13th, 2024

Dear Friends,
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is situated on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Mississauga/Anishinaabe First Nations People. As such, we take pride in our stewardship of this land.

You are invited to join our hybrid worship service at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls, either in person or via Zoom, on Sunday, October 13th, 2024.

This will be our Thanksgiving Sunday and we hope you look forward to the many blessings we have.

Our service will begin at 10:00 a.m., both in-person and via Zoom live-streaming, and will conclude around 11:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be active 15 minutes before the service, and announcement slides will be displayed for both the congregation in the sanctuary and those joining online.

A word of continued thanks to Jane Veale, our retired Music Ministry Leader. Jane continues to record hymns for our services and this adds fresh music to our growing library. We are extremly grateful, thank you, Jane.

We are also thankful to the people who offer prayers and read scripture during our weekly services.Their time, talent and treasure, are displayed at St. Andrew’s each week.

Upcoming Church News and Services

Donations to the Local Salvation Army Food Bank: Donations will be collected formally on the first Sunday of each month. However, contributions are graciously accepted at any time. All donations are greatly appreciated.

Samaritan’s Purse ‘Operation Christmas Child’ ShoeBox camapaign is underway. Fill a shoebox for a child and ensure a blessed Christmas for an unsuspecting youngster. There will be info on the Entrance Table, the cost for mailing is $12 and the boxes need to be returned to the church on Sunday November 17th, 2024, for drop off in Peterborough.

Upcoming Pulpit Supply :
October 13: Thanksgiving Sunday – Dan Schley
October 20: Mission Awareness Service led by St. Andrew’s Women of the Church
October 27: Shane Baker
November 3: Sherry Henderson
November 10: Remembrance Sunday – Mark Mitchell
November 17: Video Sermon from Together We Worship
November 24: Presbyterian Sharing Service led by the Session
December 1: Communion & First Sunday in Advent – Rev. Bob Quick

Contact Information for Emergency Pastoral Care
Rev. Ian Marnoch, Minister of Knox Bobcaygeon
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 705-738-4086

Blessings from, St. Andrew’s Leadership

Church News and Service Information for October 6th, 2024

Dear Friends,
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is situated on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Mississauga/Anishinaabe First Nations People. As such, we take pride in our stewardship of this land.

You are invited to join our hybrid worship service at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls, either in person or via Zoom, on Sunday, October 6th, 2024.

This Sunday, we observe World Communion Sunday. It is exciting to know there are Christian people all over the world, breaking bread together at the same time. We are not alone in our faith.
We will be pleased to welcome Rev. Dr. Terry Ingram, who will deliver the Word of God, as well as lead us through the Holy Sacraments.
For those joining via Zoom, please prepare your Elements ahead of time.

Our service will begin at 10:00 a.m., both in-person and via Zoom live-streaming, and will conclude around 11:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be active 15 minutes before the service, and announcement slides will be displayed for both the congregation in the sanctuary and those joining online.

A word of continued thanks to Jane Veale, our retired Music Ministry Leader. Jane continues to record hymns for our services and this adds fresh music to our growing library. We are extremly grateful, thank you, Jane.

We are also thankful to the people who offer prayers and read scripture during our weekly services.Their time, talent and treasure, are displayed at St. Andrew’s each week.

Upcoming Church News and Services

The Women of the Church will meet in the church basement on Wednesday Oct. 2nd @ 1:30.
Lisa Youells will be a guest speaker to the group. All, are welcome!

Donations to the Local Salvation Army Food Bank: Donations will be collected this Sunday, October 6. All donations are greatly appreciated.

Samaritan’s Purse ShoeBox camapaign is underway. Fill a shoebox for a child and ensure a blessed Christmas for an unsuspecting youngster. There will be info on the Entrance Table, the cost for mailing is $12 and the boxes need to be returned to the church on Sunday November 17th, 2024, for drop off in Peterborough.

Upcoming Pulpit Supply :
October 6: Communion – Rev. Dr. Terry Ingram
October 13: Thanksgiving Sunday – Dan Schley
October 20: Mission Awareness Service led by St. Andrew’s Women of the Church
October 27: Shane Baker
November 3: Sherry Henderson
November 10: Remembrance Sunday – Mark Mitchell
November 17: Video Sermon from Together We Worship
November 24: Presbyterian Sharing Service led by the Session
December 1: Communion & First Sunday in Advent – Rev. Bob Quick

Contact Information for Emergency Pastoral Care
Rev. Ian Marnoch, Minister of Knox Bobcaygeon
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 705-738-4086

Blessings from, St. Andrew’s Leadership