Church News and Service Information for October 13th, 2024

Dear Friends,
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is situated on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Mississauga/Anishinaabe First Nations People. As such, we take pride in our stewardship of this land.

You are invited to join our hybrid worship service at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls, either in person or via Zoom, on Sunday, October 13th, 2024.

This will be our Thanksgiving Sunday and we hope you look forward to the many blessings we have.

Our service will begin at 10:00 a.m., both in-person and via Zoom live-streaming, and will conclude around 11:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be active 15 minutes before the service, and announcement slides will be displayed for both the congregation in the sanctuary and those joining online.

A word of continued thanks to Jane Veale, our retired Music Ministry Leader. Jane continues to record hymns for our services and this adds fresh music to our growing library. We are extremly grateful, thank you, Jane.

We are also thankful to the people who offer prayers and read scripture during our weekly services.Their time, talent and treasure, are displayed at St. Andrew’s each week.

Upcoming Church News and Services

Donations to the Local Salvation Army Food Bank: Donations will be collected formally on the first Sunday of each month. However, contributions are graciously accepted at any time. All donations are greatly appreciated.

Samaritan’s Purse ‘Operation Christmas Child’ ShoeBox camapaign is underway. Fill a shoebox for a child and ensure a blessed Christmas for an unsuspecting youngster. There will be info on the Entrance Table, the cost for mailing is $12 and the boxes need to be returned to the church on Sunday November 17th, 2024, for drop off in Peterborough.

Upcoming Pulpit Supply :
October 13: Thanksgiving Sunday – Dan Schley
October 20: Mission Awareness Service led by St. Andrew’s Women of the Church
October 27: Shane Baker
November 3: Sherry Henderson
November 10: Remembrance Sunday – Mark Mitchell
November 17: Video Sermon from Together We Worship
November 24: Presbyterian Sharing Service led by the Session
December 1: Communion & First Sunday in Advent – Rev. Bob Quick

Contact Information for Emergency Pastoral Care
Rev. Ian Marnoch, Minister of Knox Bobcaygeon
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 705-738-4086

Blessings from, St. Andrew’s Leadership