Hello Friends,
Sunday the 24th, we will focus on Presbyterians Sharing – a day to celebrate and learn about our shared mission and ministry in Canada and around the world. The Presbyterian Church in Canada includes 780 congregations, 102,000 members and adherents, 1,254 ministers, and 11,000 children and youth. Presbyterian congregations worship in many languages and come from many places and cultures. Presbyterians include people who are Indigenous to Turtle Island or have heritages from Taiwan, Korea, China, Ghana, Brazil, Gyana, Nigeria, Malawi, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Scotland, Ireland, India, to name only a few. We are followers of Jesus. We share our gifts and work together to make a difference in this world.
We faithfully continue Christ’s ministry, as together we build strong congregations, seek justice, serve vulnerable people, walk with Indigenous people and share God’s love worldwide.
On that day, we will remember and celebrate that this congregation is a part of a wider church family, The Presbyterian Church in Canada. God’s Spirit connects us, inspires us, and challenges us to continue Christ’s ministry in our country and across the globe. Thanks be to God!
Our morning service will begin at 10:00 a.m., both in-person and via Zoom, and will conclude around 11:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be active 15 minutes before the service, and announcement slides will be displayed for both the congregation in the sanctuary and those joining online.
Upcoming Church News and Services
This will be the last chance to obtain your Shopping Cards for 2024. Please keep in mind any Christmas Stocking Stuffer or Christmas card ideas for extra add ons. Donna will contact our regular purchasers.
St. Andrew’s Women of the Church will meet on December 4th at 12:30 p.m. for a potluck luncheon and social time.
All the women of the church are invited, whether you attend our meetings or not.
Fellowship Brunch following worship on Sunday December 8th. This will be Soon Hwa and Caleb’s first Sunday back.
Everyone is welcome
Christmas Community Carol Sing at Fenelon Falls United Church Sunday, December 8th 3:00 p.m.
Upcoming Pulpit Supply :
November 24: Presbyterian Sharing Service led by the Session
December 1: Communion & First Sunday in Advent – Rev. Bob Quick
Contact Information for Emergency Pastoral Care
Rev. Ian Marnoch, Minister of Knox Bobcaygeon
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 705-738-4086
Have a blessed week, St. Andrew’s Leadership