Church News and Service Information for January 12th, 2025

Dear Friends,

I want to begin by expressing our appreciation to Dan Schley, who will be sharing the Word of God with us this coming Sunday. We look forward to being inspired by his message, “Time For a Change,” and learning about the meaning of Epiphany.

With this note, I warmly invite you to join our hybrid worship service at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls, on Sunday, January 12, 2025, at 10:00 a.m.

Church News and Announcements:

As part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the exchange of Scripture Readers will take place during services at all churches in Fenelon Falls on Sunday, January 19, 2025. We are seeking a volunteer from our congregation to read at Immanuel Baptist Church on that day. Please contact Caleb or Lizz if you are willing to help.

Shopping Card orders will be collected next Sunday, January 19, 2025. Please note that this is a week earlier than the usual date. Thank you to everyone who uses the cards.

The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held at the church and via Zoom after the service on an upcoming Sunday (date to be confirmed), 2025. Your prayers for this congregational meeting and your participation, whether in person or online, are greatly appreciated.

The pulpit supply schedule is as follows: February 9th-Lizz Hoyle and on February 23rd-Rev. Jonathan Baird. (On these Sundays, Caleb, as Interim Moderator, will lead the Campbellford and Ballyduff congregations in worship.)

The Holy Communion observences for 2025 are as follows: March 2, June 1, October 5, December 7, and December 24. Please mark these dates in your calendar and prepare to partake in the Lord’s Supper.

Caleb, along with the church Elders, are available for pastoral visits for those in need. If you or someone you know would like to receive a visit, please contact Caleb or one of the Elders.

Please be sure to follow the links on our site for current and past Sermons, along with announcements.

