Donations & Offerings

Donations, Regular Offerings and Special Offerings:

As you all know weekly, monthly and yearly offerings ensure that the ministry of the church is sustainable from year to year. Continued efforts in regular patterns of giving will make certain our church will be strong and healthy when the Covid-19 crisis is a thing of the past.

We are grateful to the many people who have recognized that our church finances will, of course, be greatly impacted by our lack of gathering for Sunday worship each week. If you are able to make a donation to the church, please find below a few solutions to financially supporting the ministry of Caradoc PC. in the coming weeks.

Please give only as you are able. Our treasurer can be contacted via email at

PAR: We are grateful for those who already give to our church through pre- authorized remittance (PAR.) If you would like to consider using PAR during this time please contact Brian Huston at for information and instructions.

Donation by Cheque: drop off OR mail c/o Brian Huston at 8677 Glengyle Drive, Strathroy, ON, N7G 3H3. Cheques will be deposited to the bank on a bi-weekly basis.

eTransfers: e-transfers can be sent to the treasurer’s email address for direct deposit. If you wish to donate using electronic transfers please contact Brian Huston at for instructions.

We are sincerely thankful for your continued support.

Thank you,  Caradoc Session and Board of Managers