Children & Youth



Sunday morning programming for children ages 4 – 12 is offered in our downstairs fellowship hall. Our programming follows the PCC’s Leading with Care Policy (which can be requested or explained by calling the church office.) Youth grades 7 & up are welcome to volunteer their time in Sunday morning programming or remain in worship.

Children and Youth are invited forwarded during our worship service  for “A Story for All Ages” and then accompanied to the fellowship hall for programming during the remaining time of worship. Children are welcome to stay in worship with their family and quiet activities are available upon request, please speak to a greeter.


HOLY MOLY! the Bible brought to Life is our current Sunday morning program, every Sunday from Oct. to June, programming by trained volunteers is available for school aged children up to grade 6.  During this time a bible story is shared, a video maybe watch and an activity or craft is offered.

During worship Nursery volunteers are available to care for babies and toddlers. Please let a greeter know you wish to use the Nursery and volunteers would be happy to assist. Nursery care can also be arranged ahead by calling the office during office hours or by leaving a message by the Thursday before. Contact Info

YOUTH: we currently do not have a youth program running. If you are a family with youth interested in attending Caradoc PC please speak with Rev. Shelly about any future possibilities of youth programming.