Healing & Reconciliation

2019 marks the 25th anniversary of The Presbyterian Church in
Canada’s Confession to God and the original people of Canada.

The Confession of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (1994)
acknowledges the harm that we have done, addresses our insensitivity to Indigenous cultures and our past involvement in the residential school system, and asks for forgiveness from God and the original people of Canada, so that we may walk with Indigenous people to find healing and wholeness together as God’s people.


What can we do to help with healing reconciliation?

We can acknowledge territory:
For thousands of years, the original peoples of Canada have walked on this land; their relationship with the land is at the centre of their lives and spirituality. As we are gather for worship & fellowship we acknowledge the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee, the Anishnaabe and all original people of Canada for their stewardship of this land throughout the ages. We recognize our neighbours from Oneida of the Thames, Chippewa of the Thames and Munsee Delaware First Nations as full members of Canadian society and work towards friendship and understanding. We hope together to end racial discrimination, social injustices and crimes of hate towards our neighbours and friends.

We can gain greater understanding about our colonial history:
Familiarize yourself with Truth & Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action Calls_to_Action_English2

Repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery and terra nullius for more information clikc link https://presbyterian.ca/healing/trc-calls-to-action/

Participate in the Blanket Exercise  for more information click link https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/

Help preserve original peoples of Canada history and relationships:
Support Ska-Nah-Doht Village and Museum
Attend a Pow Wow or other original peoples of Canada events

Support the future by healing children & youth of today:
**Yutoni Social Enterprise:** Amanda Kennedy has been reaching out to children and youth from Oneida of the Thames, Chippewa of the Thames and Munsee Delaware First Nations.She helping provide a safe environment for original peoples of Canada children and youth today to feel like they belong and have worth.
Yutoni brings healing to first nations children & youth – click here ]https://www.innovationworkslondon.ca/blog/yotuni-brings-healing-first-nations-children-youth