Worship Registration

Register for Worship Now!

We are excited to be able to resume our worship services in-person. You are invited to join us weekly now by registering through the provided link. We look forward to seeing this Advent season!

Each week the link to register for worship will be sent out via email, in a Facebook post and on our website below. You have until Friday 6pm to register, we continue to require registration for contract tracing, we thank-you for your continue cooperation.

NOTE: If you have not previously registered for worship please read all the information provided below.

Proof of Vaccination is now required: The CPC session has decided to lift the capacity limits placed on worship in order to do this we are instructed by the local health unit to require proof of double vaccination for entry into our building for worship & activities.

You will only be asked once to provide proof of vaccination.

We are accepting proof of vaccination two ways:
1. Please bring your proof of vaccination with you to the next worship service you attend. Elders will review and record that your proof of vaccination was reviewed and this will be recorded on a master list.
2. OR please send Rev. Shelly your electronic proof of vaccination via email. Rev. Shelly will review proof and record that proof was reviewed and this will be recorded on a master list. The email with attachment will be deleted. You will receive confirmation. (rev.kocis@caradocpresbyterian .ca)


How to register for worship:

  1. To register **please click the link below**.
  2. Click the worship service you wish to register for, fill out the information and submit.
  3. Check email for confirmation from the RSVP application.


You may also **call the church and leave a message on voicemail**: please leave your name, your phone number, the number of people you are registering, the date of worship and that you are not experiencing any symptoms related to Covid19.

You have until 6pm on Friday night to register for Sunday’s worship service via this link or by phone.

NOTE: The only confirmation of registration that will now be received will be through the RSVP application system unless important information is required to be shared about a certain worship service.

COVID 19 safety protocols

  • Please do a self assessment before coming to worship.
  • Entering & Exiting the building:
    Please enter the building via the front door of the church addition or the backdoor if you need the elevator and please be prepared to exit front door of the sanctuary or backdoor if elevator is needed.
  • You will be “checked in” to worship as part of our safety protocols.
  • Proof of vaccination is now required.
  • Please sanitize your hands.
  • Masks are mandatory in order to enter the church and the worship space.
  • Washrooms are available, please follow “touch and clean”protocols when using the washrooms.

We appreciate your full compliance with our safety measures in order to have all friends feel safe and welcome to worship.


All households and individuals are asked to declare “NO” at registration and again Sunday morning to the following questions:

  1. Have you travelled outside of Ontario in the last 14 days?
  2. Have you come in contact with anyone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
  3. DO you have any of the following symptoms: fever, chills, cough, sore throat, headache, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, new muscle or joint pain, runny nose and/or flu like symptoms?
  4. Are you awaiting test results for COVID-19?
  5. Have you been in contact with someone who is ill and who has travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days?

If you or anyone in your household answered “YES”, to one or more of these statements, then we ask that you attend our online Facebook service at this time.