Holy Moly @ CPC


HOLY MOLY @ CPC is what most call Sunday school! Below you will find recent “Time to Shine with younger worshippers” at CPC which is our time during worship for children and younger worshippers. Our minister Rev. Shelly often uses videos during this time and many recent videos our shared below.

Holy Moly it’s Advent! “Unboxing the Holy” following our worship themes through Advent your household is invited to explore what it means to unbox the HOLY! All you need is an empty box and the activity booklet each week! please find acitvity sheets and other links below

“Unboxing the Holy” each week there is a book suggested in the acitvity sheet , here’s  a  book to consider as we talk about unboxing the HOLY : Not a Box

Holy Moly it’s Advent! Weekly Family Activities:

“Unboxing the Holy” for Advent!

Below you’ll find a links for Unboxing the Holy Week 1 -4 with all the info you need to plan Advent activities in the coming  weeks for your family! Plus a bonus Activities page for during Christmas break.

Unboxing the Holy_week one_2021

Click here for template to make A paper craft Advent wreath:

Click Here is a link to a wonderfully written Advent Liturgy for families at home. (See more details about this liturgy in above document)

Unboxing the Holy_week two_2021

Unboxing the Holy_week three_2021


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Unboxing the Holy_week four_2021

BONUS!!!! Christmas Break Activity – 12 days of Christmas FUN!! 

Unboxing the Holy_Christmas_2021



The Bible 101 with Rev. Shelly Videos – click link below:
