Service Info for October 29, 2023

Dear Friends,

I would like to invite you and your loved ones to join our hybrid worship service on Sunday, October 29, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.

This Sunday, we will continue exploring the fourth Beatitude, which focuses on “God’s Mercy,” in the series “The Keys to a Blessed Life.”

I have attached a copy of the October 29th service information and the sermon.

This sacred gathering will also be live-streamed online. The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, announcement slides will be presented to the congregation in the sanctuary and on Zoom.

Upcoming Events are listed below:

St. Andrew’s Women of the Church
Date & Time: Wednesday, November 1 at 1:30 p.m.
Location: Home of Pat Webster
Everyone is welcome to join this fellowship!

The Induction of The Rev. Ian Marnoch to Knox Presbyterian Church, Bobcaygeon
Date & Time: Sunday, November 5, at 2:30 p.m.
Everybody is welcome to join this service!

November 12: Remembrance Sunday – Special Presentation by Mark Mitchell

November 19: Presbyterians Sharing Sunday, led by the Session Members

Christmas Music performed by the Reunion Choir
Date & Time: Sunday, November 26, at 2:30 p.m.
Location: Church Sanctuary
Everyone is invited to enjoy this seasonal sacred music!



Service Info for October 22, 2023

Dear Friends,

This Sunday, we will continue exploring the third Beatitude, which focuses on “Meekness,” in the series “The Keys to a Blessed Life.”

I want to invite you and your loved ones to join our hybrid worship service on Sunday, October 22, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.

This sacred gathering will also be live-streamed online. The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, the announcement slides will be presented to the congregation in the sanctuary and on Zoom.

Several new videos have been posted on our church website via YouTube. You can watch these items when you click the links provided below. Please note that this content is uploaded on our church’s YouTube channel as “unlisted.” In other words, only those with these YouTube links can access and watch them.

Special Music (I) – “The Beatitudes,” performed by Barbara Dunn-Prosser, at our First Amalgamated Anniversary Service:

Special Music (II) – “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” performed by Barbara Dunn-Prosser, at our First Amalgamated Anniversary Service:

Reading the Memoir – “Trip of a Lifetime – Coming to Canada,” presented by Arlene Ten-Hove, at our Thanksgiving Sunday Service:

Caleb’s Sunday sermons and our church news can be viewed on our website.

Upcoming Events are listed below:

170th Anniversary Service
Date & Time: Sunday, October 22 at 2:30 p.m.
Location: Ballyduff Presbyterian Church
Guest Speaker: Rev. Barney Grace
Everyone is welcome to this milestone gathering!

175th Anniversary Service
Date & Time: Saturday, October 28 at 6:00 p.m.
Location: Woodville Presbyterian Church
Guest Speaker: Rev. Reg McMillan
Everyone is invited to join in the celebration!

St. Andrew’s Women of the Church
Date & Time: Wednesday, November 1 at 1:30 p.m.
Location: Home of Marion Kairetz
Everyone is welcome to join this fellowship!

November 12: Remembrance Sunday – Special Presentation by Mark Mitchell

November 19: Presbyterians Sharing Sunday, led by the Session Members

Christmas Music performed by the Reunion Choir
Date & Time: Sunday, November 26, at 2:30 p.m.
Location: Church Sanctuary
Everyone is invited to enjoy this seasonal sacred music!



Service Info for October 15, 2023

Dear Friends,

I want to invite you and your loved ones to join our hybrid worship service with our guest speaker, Rev. Jonathan Baird, on Sunday, October 15, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.

This sacred gathering will also be live-streamed online.

The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, the announcement slides will be presented to the congregation in the sanctuary and on Zoom.

Upcoming Events:

Meeting of the Presbytery of Lindsay and Peterborough

Date & Time: Tuesday, October 17, starting at 9:30 a.m.

Location: Church Sanctuary & via Zoom

Fall Bible Study “The Keys to a Blessed Life” with Pastor Rick Warren

Session 6: “Handling Opposition to Your Faith”

Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.

Everyone is welcome to join us for Bible study and prayer time!

170th Anniversary Service

Date & Time: Sunday, October 22 at 2:30 p.m.

Location: Ballyduff Presbyterian Church

Everyone is welcome to this milestone gathering!


St. Andrew’s Women of the Church

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 1 at 1:30 p.m.

Location: Home of Marion Kairetz

Everyone is welcome to join this fellowship!

November 12: Remembrance Sunday

November 19: Presbyterians Sharing Sunday

Christmas Music performed by the Reunion Choir

Date & Time: Sunday, November 26, at 2:30 p.m.

Location: Church Sanctuary

Everyone is invited to enjoy this seasonal sacred music!



Service Info for October 8, 2023

Dear Friends,

I want us to consider the following facts that I have found on the Internet…

According to this list, how very blessed we are!

With this note, I want to invite you and your loved ones to join our Thanksgiving worship service on Sunday, October 8, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. During this divine assembly, we will remember the Lord and give abundant thanks to our God for all His blessings. We will hear the memoir called “Trip of a Lifetime – Coming to Canada” by Arlene Ten Hove.

This sacred gathering will also be broadcasted online. The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, the announcement slides will be presented to the congregation in the sanctuary and on Zoom.

Upcoming Events:

Fall Bible Study “The Keys to a Blessed Life” with Pastor Rick Warren
Session 5: “How to Reconcile a Relationship”
Date & Time: Wednesday, October 11, 10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Location: Church Basement & via Zoom
Everyone is welcome to join us for Bible study and prayer time!

October 15: Guest Speaker – Rev. Jonathan Baird

Meeting of the Presbytery of Lindsay and Peterborough
Date & Time: Tuesday, October 17, starting at 9:30 a.m.
Location: Church Sanctuary & via Zoom

170th Anniversary Service
Date & Time: Sunday, October 22 at 2:30 p.m.
Location: Ballyduff Presbyterian Church
Everyone is welcome to this milestone gathering!
November 1: St. Andrew’s Women of the Church hosted at the home of Marion Kairetz 1:30 p.m.

November 12: Remembrance Sunday

November 19: Presbyterians Sharing Sunday

Christmas Music performed by the Reunion Choir
Date & Time: Sunday, November 26, at 2:30 p.m.
Location: Church Sanctuary
Everyone is invited to enjoy this seasonal sacred music!

Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well” (Luke 17:17-19).



Service Info for October 1, 2023

Dear Friends,

This Sunday, we will celebrate World Communion with our brothers and sisters in God from various parts of the world. During our hybrid service, we will observe the sacred fellowship known as “The Lord’s Supper.”

For those attending in person, please receive prepackaged communion elements from the greeting elders before taking a seat in the sanctuary. If you plan to participate virtually, please prepare your own communion elements.

In addition to communion, we continue studying “The Keys to a Blessed Life” series and explore the second beatitude and its blessings.

I invite you and your loved ones to join our communion worship service at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls on Sunday, October 1, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. This divine gathering will also be broadcasted online. The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, the announcement slides will be presented to the congregation in the sanctuary and on Zoom.

Upcoming Events:

Fall Bible Study “The Keys to a Blessed Life” with Pastor Rick Warren
Session 4: “Your Ministry of Mercy”
Date & Time: Wednesday, October 4th, 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.
Location: Church Basement & via Zoom
Everyone is welcome to join us for Bible study and prayer time!

October 4: St. Andrew’s Women of the Church hosted at the home of Faye Nicholson at 1:30 p.m.
October 8: Thanksgiving Sunday
October 15: Guest Speaker – Rev. Jonathan Baird

Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4).



Service Info for September 24, 2023

Dear Friends,

This Sunday, I am delighted to start a new sermon series, “The Keys to a Blessed Life,” based on the Fall Bible study materials. “What is the secret to accessing the abundant life God promises? In perhaps the greatest sermon of his ministry, Jesus gives us the keys to the Kingdom: a life of wholeness, happiness, and healing.” Over the next six Sundays, we will “examine the Beatitudes and explore the practical steps to lead us to peace and fulfilment in our lives, work, and relationships” (Excerpt from Saddleback Resources).

With this note, I want to invite you and your loved ones to our hybrid worship service with the first session subtitled “It Depends on Who You Depend On” on Sunday, September 24, 2023, at 10:00 am. I also want to remind you about the prayers for healing and comfort that take place on the last Sunday of each month. These prayers will be offered during the service, along with a healing story video. Please inform your elders and/or me if you have prayer requests for those who have faced challenging times. “The prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up… The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:15-16).

Upcoming Events:

September 27: Fall Bible Study “The Keys to a Blessed Life” with Pastor Rick Warren

Session 2: “The Strength of Gentleness”

Date & Time: Wednesday, September 27, 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.

Note: This study gathering will be conducted via Zoom only starting this coming week. The Zoom meeting ID and passcode are identical to the ones used for our Sunday services. Everyone is welcome to join us for Bible study and prayer time!

October 1: Communion Sunday

October 4: St. Andrew’s Women of the Church hosted at the home of Faye Nicholson at 1:30 p.m.

October 8: Thanksgiving Sunday

October 15: Guest Speaker – Rev. Jonathan Baird (As the Interim Moderator, Caleb will be leading the Ballyduff congregation in a communion worship service on that Sunday.)

Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3).



Service Info for Sept. 17, 2023

Dear Friends,

What a blessing we, as the amalgamated church, received from the First Anniversary service and fellowship! Our guest speaker, Rev. Dr. John-Peter Smith, preached and provided an excellent sermon for all of us present in the sanctuary and via Zoom. As he stated, God has assigned each of His servants unique tasks in this church and this world. Some have planted the seed, watered it, fertilized it, and done more to it. God is the only One making His Church grow through all the contributions we, as co-workers in God’s ministry, offer to the Lord. God wants us to keep this lesson in mind as we rededicate our hearts and minds to continuously share God’s love in word and deed with all the people around us. Our special musician, Barbara Dunn-Prosser, performed and provided incredible sacred music for us to remember all of God’s blessings upon our church and to be invited to the Fountain of the Lord. As for the lunch fellowship following the service, God also blessed the time of resonating with one another. We thank those who prepared the lovely food and made the anniversary meaningful and memorable. On behalf of the Session of St. Andrew’s, we express our gratitude for all your prayers and participation in various ways!

With this note, I want to invite you and your loved ones to our hybrid worship service with guest speaker, David Easson, on Sunday, September 17, 2023, at 10:00 am. “David is a Lay Preacher with a Master of Divinity from Tyndale University and Seminary. He has had two previous careers: one in libraries and a second in teaching. He retired 7 years ago as a VP responsible for Special Education in a Toronto Board school… He has recently served in a supply capacity at St Andrews in Lindsay.” He is looking forward to leading us in worship this Sunday.

On a personal note, many of you have heard of the marriage of our eldest son, Caleb Kim Jr and his fiancée, now his wife, Allison Park. My wife and I, along with our two other boys, David and Hope, were so happy in God’s abundant blessings upon their recent union. We want to express our gratitude for your support in the form of prayers and warm wishes upon our special venue. Young Caleb and Allison were delighted to receive a thoughtful and meaningful gift – a blanket quilt – from the congregation. We are truly grateful for your love and friendship in God!

Upcoming Events:
September 20: Fall Bible Study “The Keys to a Blessed Life” with Pastor Rick Warren
Session 2: ‘How God Blesses Broken Hearts’
Date & Time: Wednesday, September 20, 9:45 – 11:00 a.m.
(Please note that the gathering time has been changed for next week only)
Location: Church Basement and via Zoom
Everyone is welcome to join us for Bible study and prayer time!

October 1: Communion Sunday
October 8: Thanksgiving Sunday



St. Andrew’s, Fenelon Falls:
St. Andrew’s YouTube channel:



Service Info for September 10, 2023

Dear Friends,

We are excited to remind you about our First Anniversary Church Service, which will be held this Sunday, September 10, 2023, at 10:00 am! Rev. Dr. John-Peter Smit will be our guest speaker, and Barb Dunn-Prosser will bring beautiful sacred music to us. This divine assembly will take place in the sanctuary of St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls and via Zoom. A delicious lunch and fellowship will follow in the church basement after the service.

Upcoming Events:
September 13: Fall Bible Study “The Keys to a Blessed Life”
Session 1: “It Depends on Ho You Depend On”
Time and Location: 10:00 to 11:15 a.m. in the Church Basement and via Zoom

September 17: Guest Speaker David Easson
October 1: Communion Sunday
October 8: Thanksgiving Sunday

Note: A new “Glenarm Corner” page has been added to our church website. Glenarm Church history, online archive resources, photo albums, videos, and more have been posted there. Please be aware that this page is still a work in progress.

Once again, we appreciate your prayers for this special celebration and your potential presence at this gathering. We look forward to worshipping the Lord with you soon!



Service Info for September 3, 2023

Dear Friends,

You and your friends are warmly invited to our hybrid worship service on Sunday, September 3, 2023, at 10:00 am. This Sunday, we will learn about the importance of our God-given precious present time. This sacred gathering will take place at the sanctuary of St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls and via Zoom.

Upcoming Events:

September 6 – St. Andrew’s Women of the Church
Time: 1:30 pm
Location: Church Basement
Speaker: Tom Cheel, Guest Speaker from the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre

Sept. 10: First Anniversary Church Sunday Service with Guest Speaker, Rev. Dr. John-Peter Smit and Special Music brought by Barbara Dunn-Prosser. A fellowship luncheon will follow the service.

September 13 to October 18 (6 Wednesdays): Fall Bible Study
Subject: The Keys to a Blessed Life
Time: 10:00 to 11:15 a.m.
Location: Church Basement or Via Zoom

September 17: Guest Speaker David Easson (As Interim Moderator, Caleb will lead the St. Andrew’s Campbellford congregation in worship that Sunday.)

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).



Glenarm Corner

A new page called “Glenarm Corner” has been added to this website, and some content related to Knox Glenarm has been posted there. Please note that this page is still in progress and will continue to improve in the coming days.